West Bar House | Development Progress
Here you will find the latest progress reports and images for the construction of West Bar House in Sheffield, UK. For the modern student living in Sheffield, these fully furnished apartments offer modern luxury living with a vast range of facilities. These include en-suite bathroom with shower cubicle, vanity sink and toilet, kitchenette with fitted oven and sink.
Onsite facilities include a supermarket, gym and bicycle storage, games room, laundry room and a rooftop terrace. They are also within walking distance to both Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University, and are within easy reach of the city centre.
These apartments come with a market value of £89,936 (22% under market value) with an impressive £18,886 return in the first 3 years alone. Furthermore, this is a fully hands-off investment with apartments managed by reputable asset managers. Sheffield’s extraordinary demand for student accommodation makes these apartments an exciting investment opportunity. View the most recent updates on West Bar House below.
West Bar House | Development Progress 31/03/2017
The site inspection of West Bar House in Sheffield took place in March 2017. We are pleased to provide a construction update for the West Bar House project with several aspects of construction now completed. These include approximately 50% of the upper floors now boarded on both sides, approximately 80% of first fix electrics now installed and 40% first fix plumbing.
The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.
Main Points:
- Site set up/removal of trees is 100% complete.
- Foundations are now 100% complete.
- Erect Steel Transfer Frame is now 100% complete.
West Bar House | Development Progress 31/03/2017 – Further Update
The site inspection of West Bar House in Sheffield took place further in March. We are pleased to announce that the West Bar House construction is coming along nicely and anticipate an advanced completion date as per the attached letter.
The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.
Main Points:
- Practical completion well in advance of September intake of students for 2017 academic year.
- Most apartments have complete first fixed electrics and plumbing.
- Plaster boarding well advanced with most apartments having boarded both sides of walls.
West Bar House | Development Progress 05/05/2017
The site inspection of West Bar House in Sheffield took place further in April. We are pleased to announce that West Bar House construction has progressed well since the last report. Attached is a letter from the Developer confirming that the Development will be fully let in September.
The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.
Main Points:
- Double Boarding of internal walls is now some 80% complete.
- Plumbing and electrical/data first fix are now 80% complete.
- Externally the facing brickwork has progressed to first floor level, and the remaining SFS structural framing and boarding will be complete within two weeks.
West Bar House | Development Progress 14/06/2017
The site inspection of West Bar House in Sheffield took place further in May. Current forecast completion is that all works will be completed by end of August 2017, allowing for student occupation to commence during September 2017.
The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.
Main Points:
- Erect Steel Transfer Frame-100%
- Fit Windows- 100%
- Hot/Cold Water Mains- 100%
West Bar House | Development Progress 20/07/2017
The site inspection of West Bar House in Sheffield took place further in June. It has been agreed that the Contract Documents have been issued to Trilandium for checking and execution. A meeting to arrange final agreement and execution of the contract took place on 13 July 2017.
The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing along with image updates. Important points are below.
Main Points:
- Insulation to Roof – 100%
- Ground Floor Slabs – 80%
- Lift Installation – 100%
West Bar House | Development Progress 04/08/2017
The site inspection of West Bar House in Sheffield took place further in July. Internal works continue to progress, with the installation of kitchens now some 50% complete.
The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing along with image updates. Important points are below.
Main Points:
- Externally the scaffold has now been dismantled and works have commenced on re-configuration of the existing pavements and Section 278 Works.
- Cladding panels will now be erected, works to commence c. 20th August.
- All incoming services including electricity, clean water and WIFI connections will be completed within the next two weeks.
West Bar House | Development Progress 31/08/2017
The site inspection of West Bar House in Sheffield took place further in August. Internal works are now coming to a close with the remaining kitchens, and installation of appliances to be completed in the coming weeks.
The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing along with image updates. Important points are below.
Main Points:
- Vinyl flooring has been progressed to some 50% of available floor areas, and is ongoing.
- All second fix M&E installation is complete.
- The furniture package within each room will start to be installed from week commencing 2nd October, followed by the delivery of the on-site gym equipment and fittings
West Bar House | Development Progress 13/11/2017
The site inspection of West Bar House in Sheffield took place further in November. A few additional images from the West Bar House site can be found below.
West Bar House | Sheffield
To invest in West Bar House or learn more about the development, please click the link below.