Ropemaker Place | Development Progress

Here you will find the latest progress reports and images for the construction of the Ropemaker Place in Liverpool, UK. Located at the cross roads of the bustling city centre and the Knowledge Quarter, Ropemaker Place is just moments away from Lime Street Station and Lime Street itself – a street currently being returned to its former eminence with a £35 million regeneration backed by Liverpool City Council.

The local economies and property markets have hugely benefited from multiple large scale regeneration projects, including the £5.6 billion Liverpool Waters. Riding high from positive growth and inward investment, it’s believed that Liverpool is set to take centre stage in 2017.

With the city centre, two universities and Liverpool’s main transport links all on the door step, Ropemaker Place truly has it all making for a highly exciting investment prospect. With rental yields averaging 6% and 7% NET assured for 1 year, this fully managed investment cannot be missed.

Ropemaker Place | Development Progress 09/10/2017

This update about the development progress of Ropemaker Place in Liverpool is dated from 09/10/2017. Below you can see the latest images from the Ropemaker Place site where developers are due next week.

Ropemaker Place | Development Progress 20/10/2017

This update about the development progress of Ropemaker Place in Liverpool is dated from 20/10/2017. Below you can see the latest image from Ropemaker Place where the diggers are onsite and the wall is getting removed.

Ropemaker Place | Development Progress 15/12/2017

This update about the development progress of Ropemaker Place in Liverpool is dated from 15/12/2017. Below you can see the latest images from the Ropemaker Place construction site.

Ropemaker Place | Liverpool

To invest in Ropemaker Place or learn more about the development, please click the link below.

Investment Overview: Ropemaker Place | Liverpool

Development Enquiry Form