Reliance House | Development Progress

Here you will find the latest progress reports and images for the construction of Reliance House in Liverpool, UK. The impressive neoclassical architecture and Portland stone facade reflects the significance of this exceptional location in Liverpool’s historic city centre but still embrace the height of modernity.

Reliance House will comprise of 73 one bedroom apartments and 27 two bedroom apartments, with a total of 100 generously sized apartments. These will feature secure residents’ entrances, automated door entry system with video link, smoke detectors to kitchens and entrance halls, walnut Camaro flooring to hallways and living areas, carpets to bedrooms, tiling to bathroom and en-suites and brushed stainless steel ironmongery.

Hi-spec kitchen appliances include stainless steel electric oven, integrated fridge-freezer and automatic dishwasher. All appliances also come with a three year parts and labour warranty.

These one and two bedroom apartments start from £119,950 with 7% NET assured for 1 year.

Reliance House | Development Progress 19/03/2017

This update about the development progress of Reliance House in Liverpool is dated from 19/03/2017. We’re happy to announce that the construction work for the Reliance House project is progressing nicely with work focusing on stripping the building and early stages of show apartment installation.

The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.

Main Points:

  • The demolition team have made excellent progress on the removal of the former office space fixtures.
  • Majority of the artificial ceilings and floors, along with the partition walls, air conditioning units and non load baring masonry walls have been removed from floors 1-5.
  • Exterior hoist is now being erected for removal of cumbersome debris.

Reliance House | Development Progress 23/05/2017

This update about the development progress of Reliance House in Liverpool is dated from 23/05/2017. The development launched in February 2017 with an initial 100 units in Phase 1, due for completion in January 2018. Phase 2, which launched just 2 weeks ago containing 46 luxury new build apartments on the top floors is already 50% sold out. This is due for completion in Q2 2018.

The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.

Main Points:

  • Soft strip nears completion
  • Partition walls are now being installed
  • The show apartment is now complete

Reliance House | Development Progress 15/06/2017

This update about the development progress of Reliance House in Liverpool is dated from 15/06/2017. Legacie Developments are happy to announce that construction work on Reliance House is progressing smoothly and to schedule.

The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.

Main Points:

  • The show apartment is now finished and we can’t wait to show investors the finished article.
  • The installation of the partition walls that form the new apartments is now well underway on floors three and four.
  • The installation of partition walls will be the principal focus on site for the next 4- 6 weeks.

Reliance House | Development Progress 12/09/2017

This is the fifth construction update for Reliance House in Liverpool.

Reliance House | Development Progress 22/11/2017

This update about the development progress of Reliance House in Liverpool is dated from 22/11/2017. The works are recorded to be approximately 4 weeks behind programme, mainly being due to delays with installing the hoist to remove materials, complications taking up suspended floors, investigations required to existing steel Columns, and providing strengthening support. However, the contractor has been reviewing the programme of works to overcome delays and is satisfied completion dates will be met.

The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.

Main Points:

  • First fix electrical is complete, second fix commenced.
  • Kitchen installations have commenced.
  • Partition walls structures near completion.

Reliance House | Liverpool

To invest in Reliance House or learn more about the development, please click the link below.

Investment Overview: Reliance House | Liverpool

Development Enquiry Form