Kingfisher Court | Development Progress

Here you will find the latest progress reports and images for the construction of Kingfisher Court in Huddersfield, UK. Comprised of 252 purpose-built studio apartments, as well as a range of state of the art communal facilities including a manned reception, Gymnasium, IT-suite, Games room, Cinema and laundry facilities Kingfisher Court will suit the needs of any modern university attendee. These units come fully furnished with en-suite bathrooms and have been completed to an incredibly high finish, with a modern, high-end hotel apartment-style look. Situated next to Kirklees College and within a short walk of Huddersfield University, Kingfisher Court is superbly located for students.

Generating a 9% assured NET rental income guaranteed for 5 years and with starting prices from just a mere £57,495, investors are sure to benefit from this lucrative buy-to-let prospect. This generous assured rent will provide returns starting at a whopping £25,872! And as the apartments are fully managed on your behalf, this is an easy, hands-off investment, making them all the more appealing. View the most recent updates on Kingfisher Court below.

Kingfisher Court | Development Progress 24/08/16

The site inspection of Kingfisher Court took place late in July. We’re excited to say that all windows are now on site, so the construction team can progress to finishing the window fitting. We’re excited to say that the temporary site accommodation is now open for the construction of the permanent access road. That said, we’ve been informed that site work is progressing regularly and diligently in accordance with contract obligations and the target completion date is still set for the end of January 2017.

The report found below goes into finer detail about what works are still to be completed.

Main Points:

  • Stone feature walling to the lower four floors of Block C are virtually complete and the installation of the Kingspan Cladding & Roofing is now 95% installed around the building.
  • Internal fit out has commenced with work progressing on the installation of the internal partitioning.
  • In plumbing terms the installation of the domestic hot and cold water services have the equivalent of three floors fixed.

Kingfisher Court | Development Progress 09/09/16

The latest site inspection reveals internal works are progressing and scaffolding is being dismantled. We’re excited to present the latest site inspection. This month we’re also seeing works being done to the very top floors. We’re happy to be able to say site work is progressing regularly and diligently and the contractor’s target completion date is on track to finish for the end of January 2017.

The report found below goes into finer detail about what works are still to be completed.

Main Points:

  • Internal fit out has commenced with work progressing on the installation of the internal partitioning on all floors except level zero and level +1 which are required for temporary storage.
  • Level +7 is completely plastered and is ready for joinery installation. Showers are installed and shower walls are tiled.
  • The internal Mechanical & Electrical fit out is progressing and is generally some 90% complete electrically and there is similar progress with the mechanical installation.

Kingfisher Court | Development Progress 10/10/16

We’re excited to present the latest site inspection. This month has seen a lot of work start building up as the shell of the building is complete and the workers have been able to start completing the internal works. We’re pleased that all site work is progressing regularly and diligently and the contractor’s target completion date is still set for the end of January 2017.

The report found below goes into finer detail about what works are still to be completed.

Main Points:

  • Site scaffolding is now dismantled.
  • Manchester Road entrance has been widened to facilitate the construction of the new access ramp.
  • The internal Mechanical & Electrical fit out is progressing and is generally keeping ahead of the following trades both first and second fix.

Kingfisher Court | Development Progress 15/11/16

Yet another great update for investors in the nearly completed Kingfisher Court in Huddersfield. Another month closer and lots of work has been carried out on site since the last update, as you will see when you access the construction updates attached below.

The latest site inspection took place earlier this month and we’re thrilled to be able to say that all site work is progressing regularly and diligently and the contractor’s target completion date remains as the end of January 2017!

The report found below goes into finer detail about what works are still to be completed.

Main Points:

  • The Kingspan cladding & roofing is complete with only the surrounds to the staircase glazed pods requiring attention and work on these areas is in progress and is well advanced.
  • Installation of the windows is complete. Curtain walling to the glazed staircase pods is 95% complete.
  • Level +7 rooms are completed, save for the furniture fit out and the rooms are fully functional with power and water available to kitchen and showers.

Kingfisher Court | Development Progress 21/02/17

The latest site inspection took place earlier this month and we’re pleased to be able to say that all site work is progressing regularly and diligently and the contractor’s target completion date is set for March 2017.

The report found below goes into finer detail about what works are still to be completed.

Main Points:

  • Architects design is complete to construction phase.
  • Structural design is progressing with the design of the foundations & pile caps are complete.
  • Enabling Works to uphold the face of the wall supporting Manchester Road are progressing to Block B Construction of the permanent access road is well advanced and is sufficient to provide site access onto the Block ‘B’.

Kingfisher Court | Huddersfield

To invest in Kingfisher Court or learn more about the development, please click the link below.

Investment Overview: Kingfisher Court | Huddersfield

Development Enquiry Form