Kelham Works | Development Progress
Here you will find the latest progress reports and images for the construction of Kelham Works in Sheffield, UK. Micro-apartments are expected to be the next ‘big thing’ to enter the UK property market. These one-room, self-contained apartments aim to provide a solution to the ever increasing demand for city centre space at affordable prices, for that reason, micro-apartments are expected to become highly sought after.
We’d like to introduce a brand new release located in one of Sheffield’s most impressive areas, Kelham Island. The developer is so confident with the demand for units that they’ll even pay 3 years rent upfront on day one.
These apartments come with an assured minimum rental yield of 9% for 3 years and return £49,504 (66% ROI) from a £75K investment in 5 years. They have the option to target both students and young professional and are a fully hands-off investment managed by reputable asset managers.
Kelham Works | Development Progress 13/01/2017
This update about the development progress of Kelham Works in Sheffield is dated from 13/01/2017. As you can see from the photos below the site has been fully fenced off and the ground prepped in anticipation of the structure. The Kelham Works building has been constructed off-site, so we should see rapid development of this high interest paying development.
Kelham Works | Development Progress 15/02/2017
This update about the development progress of Kelham Works in Sheffield is dated from 15/02/2017. Good progress has been made with regards to the ground works and the developers are still on time with the schedule they provided in the last construction report.
Main Points:
- Beginning of January – Ground works and drainage.
- End of April – Roof completed.
- End of July – Completed.
Kelham Works | Development Progress 10/04/2017
This update about the development progress of Kelham Works in Sheffield is dated from 10/04/2017. We have seen a huge change in the Kelham Works site with the steel work coming in, along with the concrete. As you can see from the later pictures the first floor is now complete in regards to the structure.
Kelham Works | Development Progress 22/05/2017
This update about the development progress of Kelham Works in Sheffield is dated from 22/05/2017. As you can see, the build has progressed nicely over the last couple of months. Work has now commenced on the third floor, as the outer shell is almost complete and we see the property growing in height.
Main Points:
- The developer will be at roof level within the next week and completion is looking likely for July/August.
Kelham Works | Development Progress 26/07/2017
This update about the development progress of Kelham Works in Sheffield is dated from 26/07/2017. We’re excited to say the completion date is now just around 4 weeks away. The building is almost complete, we’ve attached a few images below of what is left to do for the interiors of the apartments.
Kelham Works | Development Progress 27/10/2017
This update about the development progress of Kelham Works in Sheffield is dated from 27/10/2017. We are pleased to announce that construction of Kelham Works is now complete! The building is looking fantastic.
Below are a selection of internal and external images from the site. Congratulations to all our investors.
Kelham Works | Sheffield
To invest in Kelham Works or learn more about the development, please click the link below.