Crane Court | Development Progress
Here you will find the latest progress reports and images for the construction of Crane Court in Huddersfield, UK. Following the huge success of both the first and second phase (Kingfisher Court and Cormorant House); we are delighted to announce the launch of the third and final phase, Crane Court.
This development, located within the stunning waterfront regeneration, will provide 252 modern high quality residential studio apartments situated close to Kirklees College, Huddersfield University and Huddersfield’s city centre.
These modern, self-contained studio apartments are fully furnished with en-suite shower and kitchenette and feature state-of-the-art communal facilities including a manned reception, Gymnasium, IT-suite, Games room, Cinema and laundry facilities.
Due to huge demand and severe lack of supply, Crane Court is a superb opportunity with a fantastic 9% NET rental income assured with each unit generating a minimum of £5,219 annual income for an amazing 5 years, plus 5% interest paid on all deposited funds.
Crane Court | Development Progress 28/02/2017
This update about the development progress of Crane Court in Huddersfield is dated from 28/02/2017. We are pleased to announce that progress on the Crane Court development is advancing well.
The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.
Main Points:
- Enabling Works to uphold the face of the wall supporting Manchester Road are complete and construction of the permanent access road is well advanced providing site access onto Block ‘B’.
- Piling commenced on Block B on 23 January 2017 and is now complete. The piling rig is being dismantled and will be removed from site by 8 March 2017.
- Architectural details are complete to construction phase and the team are involved in co-ordination of other works including mechanical & electrical and structural engineering works.
Crane Court | Development Progress 31/03/2017
This update about the development progress of Crane Court in Huddersfield is dated from 31/03/2017. Progress on the Crane Court development continues. We expect orders for the Groundworks, Lifts, Windows and for the Mechanical and Electrical Services to be concluded within the next few weeks.
The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.
Main Points:
- Daily monitoring during the piling and associated works has shown no adverse effect on the wall.
- Design of the structural steel is within the sub-contractor’s package and it is noted that for convenience and for the benefit of co-ordination the subcontractor is using the same consulting engineers as the contractor.
- Cladding design is progressing with the objective of being in a position to place firm orders with Kingspan for the external cladding.
Crane Court | Development Progress 30/04/2017
This update about the development progress of Crane Court in Huddersfield is dated from 30/04/2017. Negotiations for the structural steel frame are now complete and orders have been placed for the procurement of some 280 tonnes of structural steel components. Steel design is complete and detailing is well advanced
The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.
Main Points:
- The steel components are now ordered and are secured for future delivery to the factory.
- Contracts are in place for the insitu reinforced concrete floors. Metal decking is being held at the subcontractor’s works for delivery during the erection of the structural steel frame .
- Orders for the Groundworks, Lifts, Windows and for the Mechanical and Electrical Services are agreed subject to contract. These will be concluded within the next few weeks.
Crane Court | Development Progress 31/05/2017
This update about the development progress of Crane Court in Huddersfield is dated from 31/05/2017. Fabrication of the structural steel is virtually complete and erection will start on site during the month of June.
The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.
Main Points:
- Orders for the Groundworks, Lifts, Windows, internal partitions and for the Mechanical and Electrical Services are agreed subject to contract. These will be concluded within the next few weeks.
- Architectural details are complete to construction phase and the team are involved in co-ordination of other works including mechanical & electrical.
- Substation is installed and awaiting commissioning.
Crane Court | Development Progress 11/07/2017
This update about the development progress of Crane Court in Huddersfield is dated from 11/07/2017. The some 60 tonnes of the steel frame has been delivered and erection has commenced on Grid Lines 1 & 2.
The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.
Main Points:
- Services ducts and services have been run parallel to the canal elevation of all Blocks on the development.
- Structural engineers have completed the design of the building.
- There are no variations and no adjustments to contract sum.
Crane Court | Development Progress 31/07/2017
This update about the development progress of Crane Court in Huddersfield is dated from 31/07/2017. 170 tonnes of the steel frame has been delivered and erection is complete on the more complicated element of the steel frame incorporating a bump out frame, the lifts and staircase, and a major element of the cross bracing.
The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.
Main Points:
- External secondary steel to take the cladding is being fitted in conjunction with the steel frame erection as is the installation of the roof purlins.
- Contracts are in place for the insitu reinforced concrete floors. Metal decking is being delivered to site and is being lifted on to the steel frame as work progresses.
- Orders for the Groundworks, Lifts, Windows, internal partitions and for the Mechanical and Electrical Services are agreed subject to contract. These will be concluded within the next few weeks.
Crane Court | Development Progress 05/09/2017
This update about the development progress of Crane Court in Huddersfield is dated from 05/09/2017. External secondary steel to take the cladding is being fitted in conjunction with the steel frame erection as is the installation of the roof purlins.
The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.
Main Points:
- Some 6,500m2 of decking is on site with the balance held in store at the suppliers.
- Stairs for the other core are fabricated and are being held off site.
- The tarmac base course has been laid on the ramp and along Block C providing access to the adjoining storage area for Block B materials.
Crane Court | Development Progress 30/09/2017
This update about the development progress of Crane Court in Huddersfield is dated from 30/09/2017. Cladding design is complete and the panels are ready to be ordered from Kingspan.
The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.
Main Points:
- Scaffolding to form the external temporary loading bays are progressing and the work is up to level 2 now. The hoist itself will be installed as soon as the scaffold is sufficiently advanced.
- Services ducts and services have been run parallel to the canal elevation of all Blocks on the development and are now complete.
- Contracts are in place for the insitu reinforced concrete floors. Metal decking has been delivered to site and has been lifted on to the steel frame as work progresses.
Crane Court | Development Progress 31/10/2017
This update about the development progress of Crane Court in Huddersfield is dated from 31/10/2017. The structural steel frame is complete, including the installation of the steel staircases, which have been concreted to provide safe access to following trades.
The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.
Main Points:
- Scaffolding of the building is in progress and is up to level 9.
- The tarmac base course has been laid on the ramp and along Block C providing access to the adjoining storage area for Block B materials.
- The Decking and Stud welding is complete to five suspended floors ready to commence the casting of the floors commencing second week in November. Mesh and Bar reinforcement is being delivered progressively.
Crane Court | Development Progress 30/11/2017
This update about the development progress of Crane Court in Huddersfield is dated from 30/11/2017. The building is 100% surrounded with access scaffolding and there is a loading bay scaffold, complete with goods hoist, erected to serve every floor.
The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.
Main Points:
- The structural steel frame is complete, including the installation of the steel staircases, which have been concreted to provide safe access to following trades.
- Orders are placed for Internal partitions, Mechanical & Electrical work, Dry Lining, Lifts and Windows and externally for supply and installation of cladding panels.
- Services ducts and services have been run parallel to the canal elevation of all Blocks on the development and are now complete.
Crane Court | Huddersfield
To invest in Crane Court or learn more about the development, please click the link below.