Cormorant House | Development Progress

Here you will find the latest progress reports and images for the construction of Cormorant House in Huddersfield, UK. This purpose built student accommodation development will supply 168 modern, self-contained studio apartments to the significantly under-supplied student accommodation market in Huddersfield.

These apartments are incredibly close to Kirklees College and the award-winning Huddersfield University – winner of the Times Higher Education University of the Year award 2013 – and also form part of the Waterside Quarter development. They are fully furnished with en-suite shower and kitchenette and feature state-of-the-art communal facilities including a manned reception, Gymnasium, IT-suite, Games room, Cinema and laundry facilities.

All apartments are full managed on your behalf with a fantastic 9% NET rental income assured for 5 years with an additional 5% Interest paid on deposited funds during the remaining construction period. This opportunity will make part of a successful property investment community in a thriving progressive town.

Cormorant House | Development Progress 09/01/2017

This update about the development progress of Cormorant House in Huddersfield is dated from 09/01/2017. We are pleased to bring you an update regarding the progress of Cormorant House with images.

The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.

Main Points:

  • Enabling Works to uphold the face of the wall supporting Manchester Road are in progress and will be completed within two weeks
  • Construction of the permanent access road is well advanced and this will facilitate the removal of the temporary site access which currently encroaches onto the Block ‘A’ footprint.
  • Off-site fabrication of the structural steel frame is some 35% manufactured and all 225 tonnes of structural steel will be procured and delivered to the fabricator by the end of January 2017.

Cormorant House | Development Progress 28/02/2017

This update about the development progress of Cormorant House in Huddersfield is dated from 28/02/2017. We are glad to announce that off-site fabrication of the structural steel frame is almost complete and all 225 tonnes of structural steel have been procured and delivered to the fabricator.

The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.

Main Points:

  • Pile cap steel reinforcement is ordered and will be delivered for assembly during week commencing 6 March 2017. Contracts are being concluded with a specialist groundworks contractor for the construction of the pile caps and the installation of the holding down bolts for the structural steel frame.
  • Currently the tops of the piles are being cropped and pile integrity testing is being carried out ready for the construction of the pile caps themselves.
  • Structural engineers have completed the design of the buildings pile caps and the drainage.

Cormorant House | Development Progress 31/03/2017

This update about the development progress of Cormorant House in Huddersfield is dated from 31/03/2017. We are pleased to provide a further update to the Cormorant House project. The permanent access road is now providing access to Block A.

The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.

Main Points

  • Construction of the permanent access road is well advanced and is sufficient to provide site access onto Block ‘A’ and adjoining construction works.
  • Off-site fabrication of the structural steel frame is fully manufactured and all 225 tonnes of structural steel have been protection painted sorted and is being stored at the fabricators yard.
  • Cladding design is progressing with the objective of being able to place firm orders with Kingspan for the external cladding.

Cormorant House | Development Progress 30/04/2017

This update about the development progress of Cormorant House in Huddersfield is dated from 30/04/2017. Over 200 tonnes of Primary structural steel has been erected on site and is plumbed lined and levelled.

The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.

Main Points

  • All piles have been driven and tested and the reinforced concrete pile caps complete with holding down bolts have been cast as is the concrete lift pit.
  • Roof purloins are being installed in conjunction with the erection of the primary steel.
  • Site welding will commence shortly to complete the installation of the masonry support steel -required to carry the stone walling surrounding the lower three floors of the building.

Cormorant House | Development Progress 31/05/2017

This update about the development progress of Cormorant House in Huddersfield is dated from 31/05/2017. There are no known constraints on achieving the contractor’s planned completion date.

The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.

Main Points

  • Some 99% of Primary structural steel has been erected on site and is plumbed lined and levelled. Edge protection to facilitate the construction of the suspended concrete floor slabs is being installed.
  • Structural engineers have completed the building design.
  • Temporary services are being provided from those already on site for Block C.

Cormorant House | Development Progress 11/07/2017

This update about the development progress of Cormorant House in Huddersfield is dated from 11/07/2017. The structural steel frame is 100% erected complete with masonry supports to take the stone outer facing blocks.

The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.

Main Points

  • The metal deck permanent formwork is 80% installed and is complete up to floor level 6. This is secured in place by hundreds of stud welds to each floor.
  • The roof purlins and associated cladding rails are installed ready for the installation of the roof and the commencement of the external cladding.
  • Permanent Water, Gas & Electric services are installed and are in ducts adjoining the buildings.

Cormorant House | Development Progress 31/07/2017

This update about the development progress of Cormorant House in Huddersfield is dated from 31/07/2017. The suspended reinforced concrete floors, with a power float finish, and metal deck permanent formwork together with the stud welding, is 100% complete.

The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.

Main Points

  • Off-site manufacture of the windows is progressing and windows to the lower floors are complete and held in storage.
  • The roof purlins and associated cladding rails are 100% installed ready for the installation of the roof and the commencement of the external cladding.
  • Stone walling has commenced on three elevations.

Cormorant House | Development Progress 05/09/2017

This update about the development progress of Cormorant House in Huddersfield is dated from 05/09/2017. Permanent Water, Gas & Electric services are installed and are in ducts adjoining the buildings.

The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.

Main Points

  • The inner skin of the external stonework is of timber construction and is complete thereby enclosing the lower floor areas.
  • The concrete ground floor slab is installed at Level 0 and the permanent drainage is complete. The ground floor is being levelled with hardcore to areas other than where there are concrete floors. Concrete floors cast in this area include the plant room and associated rooms.
  • The roof purlins and associated cladding rails are 100% installed and the roof is 95% covered at main roof and upper roof levels.

Cormorant House | Development Progress 30/09/2017

This update about the development progress of Cormorant House in Huddersfield is dated from 30/09/2017. The structural steel frame is 100% erected, complete & all suspended instu concrete floors are poured with a power float finish.

The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.

Main Points

  • Stone walling is progressing on three elevations and is about 70% complete.
  • All external insulated cladding panels are on site and are being installed progressively. Cladding is about 80% complete on the Manchester Road elevation side and about 70% complete on the Canal side elevation.
  • Mechanical and electrical first fix as well as soil and vent pipes and roof drainage pipe works is virtually complete, and electric control panels have been installed on all floors with cable runs in place adjoining the boxes.

Cormorant House | Development Progress 31/10/2017

This update about the development progress of Cormorant House in Huddersfield is dated from 31/10/2017. The concrete ground floor slab is 85% installed at Level 0 and the permanent drainage is complete. Outstanding works are planned to be carried out later in order to maintain construction access for the period when the external hoist and loading bays is required.

The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.

Main Points

  • Internal partition work is progressing on all floors and this, together with first fix mechanical and electrical work, has progressed to the extent that bathrooms can be constructed at every level.
  • The first four floors have reached the stage where bathrooms are under construction, complete with installation of second fix mechanical work.
  • Lift design is complete and payments made to secure manufacture progresses in line with construction on site.

Cormorant House | Development Progress 30/11/2017

This update about the development progress of Cormorant House in Huddersfield is dated from 30/11/2017. The structure is complete and wind and watertight with all cladding panels installed, & windows glazed. This is except for one gable which is open for construction access.

The attached report goes into more detail about what works have been completed and how things are progressing. Important points are below.

Main Points

  • The concrete ground floor slab is 95% installed at Level 0 and the permanent drainage is complete.
  • Work on bathroom fittings & room finishing trades is progressing up the building in accordance with the contractor’s programme.
  • Lift are being constructed off-site and will be ready and available for installation from mid-January.

Cormorant House | Huddersfield

To invest in Cormorant House or learn more about the development, please click the link below.

Investment Overview: Cormorant House | Huddersfield

Development Enquiry Form